Monday, November 26, 2007

Tip #5 - Always Call The Hotel Directly

Before you book your room be sure to call the hotel. Websites and 800 numbers have set rates that they are given by the hotel and do not have the power to bargain. If you call the hotel directly you can negotiate the best possible rate. Also you get a chance to speak with an employee of the hotel which serves a couple purposes. 800 numbers know little or nothing about the hotel other than what their computer screen tells them. I've dealt with 800 numbers on numerous occasions and the operators are usually not friendly and/or not knowledgeable. They usually have a script to follow and if you make them deviate from the script they get confused. Here's an example of one of my experiences:

"Thank you for calling blah blah blah hotline how may I help you?"

"I'm looking for a room in Some City, USA"

"Ok let me see what we have..... "

"I need non smoking with for one person and I'm looking for a hotel offering the employee discount"

"Ok would you like smoking or non?"


"And how many people"


"Ok the rate on that room is $89.99"

"Is that the employee rate?"

"Oh you're a hotel employee, why didn't you say so?"


At this point I've had about enough. I've taken enough reservations in my life to know that it isn't that hard.

The second purpose calling the hotel directly serves is that you get a sense of the type of employees the hotel has. These are the people you will be dealing with during your stay and if they seem like they don't care about you on the phone then that's how you can expect to be treated in person.

That's all for now.